How is the bathing of the dead (Ghusl) carried out?

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Volunteers at the IAR are trained to carry this out and will help you as needed. The following information is for your help.

Deceased males should be washed by men, while deceased females should be washed by women. It is permissible for either spouse to wash the other after death. This is because Ali (R.A) washed his wife, Fatima (R.A.) after her death and also the prophet (S.A.W.) said to his wife, Aishah (R.A.), “If you die before me, I will wash you and wrap you in a shroud.” [Reported by Imam Ibn Majah]

It is obligatory to wash the whole body once with water with the intention of bathing the dead.

It is recommended that the body be laid on an elevated platform off of the floor, the body stripped of its clothes, and the area between the naval and the knee covered. Those bathing the body should press the abdomen of the deceased to release any impurities. Impurities should be removed and washed off of the body. The person should wrap a cloth around his/her hand to wash the private parts of the dead, since touching the private parts is forbidden. Then, perform ablution to the dead, meaning the dead is washed as if he were to perform ablution. Then the body is washed three times with water and soap starting with the right side.

If the deceased were a woman and her hair is braided, then her braids should be loosened and washed, and then braided back in three separate braids that go down her back. If there are any hair clips, bows, or bands they should be removed before washing the hair.

After bathing is done, the body should be dried with a clean cloth and perfumed. Only the people who are needed for carrying out this process should attend.


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