See What's Happening
Prayer Times
Please be aware that the Hijri date on our website and app updates at midnight with the Gregorian calendar.
Friday Prayer Schedule
Hisham Sarsour
Community Volunteer
Imam Mohamed Badawy
Imam at Islamic Association of Raleigh
Imam Saif Morad
Imam at the Islamic Association of Raleigh
Prepping Ahead: Announcing Hajj 2025 – Latest Updates & Next Steps
Your Hajj Team at the Islamic Association of Raleigh is excited to share updates for our Hajj 2025. With valuable insights gained from last Hajj, we have refined our process
An-Noor Chairperson Opening
AN-NOOR QURAN ACADEMY (ANQA) BOARD/COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON The IAR seeks qualified candidates for the volunteer role of Chairperson of the An-Noor
Seeking Nominations for IAR Committee Chairs Volunteer Positions
Your masjid relies on five core pillars comprising of several committees that help run all of its operations, programs, and services.
Services & Resources
Nikkah/Katb Al Kitab
Talaq & Khulu'
Janazah/In Case of Death
Delicious food from Al Maidah Café
Learn more about Islam
Protecting the Masjid
Supporting Muslims experiencing adverse living conditions.
Supporting our community through hardship.
Visit the Islamic Association of Raleigh.
Embark or learn more about the blessed journey.
Eternal Charity
Ready-to-use template
Providing an inclusive environment
Contact an Imam for Religious Questions
Get involved!
Room reservation & vendor registration
Become a member of IAR
IAR Media
We’re committed to providing high-quality, engaging media resources to help you stay connected with your masjid during the pandemic and beyond. Like, subscribe, and share our content with your friends.
Find out why the IAR is home away from home for the Muslims of the Triangle.
Our Imams
The Islamic Association of Raleigh (IAR) is an Islamic center serving as a masjid, school, and a gathering place for the Muslim community in the Triangle region of North Carolina.