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After performing ablution, people must stand facing the Qiblah with the intention of praying Janazah (the funeral prayer).

He then raises his hands and utters “Allahu Akbar” (which is known as Takbeerat Al-Ihram). He doesn’t have to raise his hands in other Takbeerat, because “when the prophet (S.A.W.) performed the Janazah prayer he raised his hands in the first Takbeerah and not in the others.”

He, then, puts his right hand on top of his left hand and recites surat Al-Fatiha. He, then, utters “Allahu Akbar” and prays for the prophet (S.A.W.), meaning he asks Allah (S.W.T.) to bestow His prayer (His mercy) and blessings unto the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Then, he utters “Allahu Akbar” and supplicates to Allah for the deceased. After that, he utters “Allahu Akbar” and supplicates to Allah for whatever he likes, and after that, he says “Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah.” while turning his head to the right side. It is okay to add another Tasleemah to the left side. All this is done while standing up–there is neither a Rukuh nor a Sujood in this prayer.

The body of the deceased should be placed in the front of the congregation and the Imam. The Imam (the one who is leading the Janazah (funeral) prayer stands beside the head of the male-deceased and towards the middle part of the female-deceased.

It’s reported that Anas (R.A.) led a Janazah (funeral prayer) for a male-deceased in which he stood beside his head. Then, a body of a female-deceased was brought for Janazah (funeral prayer) in which he stood by the middle part of her body. When he was asked about that, he said, “This is where the messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) stood with the body of a man and to the body of a woman.” [Reported by Imams Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, and At-Tirmithi]

It is recommended that the people line up in three lines when praying Janazah (funeral) prayer. The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: “A Muslim who dies and the people who pray the Janazah (funeral) prayer for him and line up and form three lines are forgiven.” [Reported by Imams Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, and At-Tirmithi]

It is recommended that a large number of people pray the Janazah (funeral) prayer. The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: “If a Muslim dies and the people who pray the Janazah (funeral) prayer for him total one hundred, and all of them intercede with Allah and ask Him for forgiveness for the deceased, then their intercession will be accepted.” [Reported by Imams Muslim, Ahmed, and At-Tirmithi]

The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: “No single Muslim who dies and forty Muslims pray the Janazah (funeral) prayer for him, and all of them do not associate any deities with Allah, then Allah will accept their intercession for the deceased.” [Reported by Imams Muslim, Ahmed, and Abu Dawood]


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