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Childbirth is one of the most amazing blessings which Allah Almighty has given to us. After giving birth to a child, it is recommended to welcome the newborn by following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said about the encouragement to have children with these words: “Marry the loving and fertile because through you, I will compete with the nations for superiority in numbers.”(Abu Dawood)
After the child is born, these are the Sunnahs (recommended acts) that every Muslim parent should perform. Below we are going to discuss some Sunnahs that every parent should do after their child has been born:
Al-Tirmidhi (1522) narrated that Samurah said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The boy is in pledge for his ‘aqeeqah which should be slaughtered on his behalf on the seventh day, and he should be named and his head shaved. Saheeh al-Tirmidhi
Calling Adhaan in the ear of Newborn: When a child is born, firstly, the Adhaan should be said in his/her ear. Adhaan should be recited in the right ear and in the left ear Iqamah. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has done the same. Narrated by Abu Raafi’ who said: “I saw the Prophet (SAW) call the Adhaan in the ear of Al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali when his mother Fatimah gave birth to him.” (Tirmidhi )Note: It may be noted that the evidence for the subsequent iqamah in the left ear is weaker than that for the adhan in the right ear, and thus some scholars mention only the adhan for the newborn. [see Nawawi, al-Majmu`]
Tahneek: Tahneek means softening or chewing a date and then rubbing the palate of the newborn with it just after the birth or soon after. If the date is not available, you can also put honey in the mouth of the baby. Aisha (RA) reported that: “New-born children used to be brought to the Messenger of Allah, and he would supplicate for blessings for them, and rub a chewed date upon their palate.” (Muslim)
Naming the Newborn Child: An honorable name for your child has importance in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has always chosen names with beautiful meanings. You can also name your child after the companions of Muhammad (SAW). In the holy Quran Allah Almighty says about the naming of children in these words: “Call them by [the names of] their fathers; it is more just in the sight of Allah…” (Quran, 33: 5). From this verse of the Holy Quran, the right of the father is shown by the principle that the child is ascribed and attributed to the father. The name should carry a good and honorable meaning as the Messenger (PBUH) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, you will be called by your names and your fathers’ names, so make your names good.” (Abu Dawood)
please check out this link for Islamic names:
Aqeeqah: Aqeeqah is a form of Sadaqah which safeguards your child from all Evil. It is done after the seventh day of the arrival of the newborn, as a form of welcome for it and to give thanks to the One who gave the blessings, it is prescribed to slaughter a sheep. The Messenger (SAW) said: “Every child is in pledge for its ‘Aqeeqah which is sacrificed for it on its seventh day, and it is named on it, and its head is shaved” (Abu Dawood). If the newborn is a boy then two sheep are to be sacrificed, and if it is a girl then one sheep.Narrated Umm Kurz al-Ka’biyyah:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: (Two resembling sheep are to be sacrificed for a boy and one for a girl.) Sunan Abi Dawud 2834Shaving the Newborn’s Head: Shaving the Newborn’s Head: It is compulsory to shave a newborn’s head on the 7th day, along with Aqeeqah, as it is desirable. When Al-Hasan (RA) was born, the Prophet (PBUH) told his daughter, Fatima (RA): “Shave his head and give the weight of his hair in silver to the poor.”(Ahmad)It is recommended to shave a newborn’s head on the 7th day, along with Aqeeqah, as it is desirable. When Al-Hasan (RA) was born, the Prophet (PBUH) told his daughter, Fatima (RA): “Shave his head and give the weight of his hair in silver to the poor.”(Ahmad)
The scholars differed with regard to shaving the head of a female newborn. The Maalikis and Shaafa’is are of the view that it should be shaved as the male’s head is shaved. The Hanbalis are of the opinion that it should not be shaved.
Circumcision: It is recommended that the baby boy should be circumcised. The circumcision should take place on the seventh day, but it is obligatory to circumcise before the boy reaches maturity.
These were some Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) related to the newborn that every Muslim parent should perform. Observance of these Sunnahs guarantees the health, as well as the proper upbringing of the child.