The scenario that can occur with menstruating women: What if she is not on travel and goes through stress/anxiety, and her monthly cycles (after the first time) become different?
Then that new description becomes her hayth.
The scenario that can occur with menstruating women: What if a woman normally has a typical menses (heavy discharge, etc), but due to circumstances, such as diet or travel, her cycle changed and became just spotting and without her regular physical symptoms? Is this still hayth?
No, not for that first time. Only when she has her regular type cycle will she need to refrain from her prayers.
The scenario that can occur with menstruating women: What if after reaching the maximum length, she is still discharging the hayth blood? What should she do?
She has to wait until the hayth clears. If she reaches a month without clearing, then this is not normal and she needs treatment.
The scenario that can occur with menstruating women: A woman who has a regular, consistent cycle has her usual discharge and she clears after her usual amount of days. What should she do?
She makes ghusl and is able to resume all previously prohibited activities.
What are the reasons for the permissibility of tayammum which are disagreed upon by the Muslim jurists?
If one is able to use water but fears that the prayer will be over by the time he gets it and performs ablution or bathes, he may perform tayammum […]
What are the pillars of ghusul?
Have the intention to purify oneself from impurity, wash the entire body with water once, making sure that the water reaches the roots of the hair and body parts.