What type of arguments are prohibited during the state of Ihram?
There are different types of arguments: First: Arguments with the intent to prove the truth with good speech, and that isobligatory. Second: Arguments in matters that are neither true nor […]
Is it permissible for the one performing Umrah to use an umbrella while he is in a state of Ihram?
Yes, it is permissible as long as the umbrella or anything of the like does notdirectly cover the head.
If one accidentally was biting his nails out of forgetfulness, what is the ruling for that?
There is nothing on him, as he did not intentionally put his nails between histeeth; he did it forgetfully out of habit without realizing it.
What are the general prohibitions to be avoided during the state of Ihram that are shared between men and women?
The general prohibitions shared between men and women: clipping nails cutting hair using perfume or scented products intercourse and what leads to it marriage and engagement hunting or the assistance […]
Do all the prohibition acts during the state of Ihram require a sacrifice?
No, because the prohibitions are divided into categories: First category: The mere invalidation of the prohibited act- such as a marriage contract or engagement- however, he continues with the rituals […]
When does the time start from abstaining from the prohibitions?
With the intention of entering the rituals of Umrah which is the state of Ihram.
Prohibitions for the one in a state of Ihram-
What is meant by prohibitions?
Prohibitions: Anything that one performing Umrah needs to abstain from while in the state of Ihram although these things are in their nature permissible/halal, but they are prohibited while he […]
What are the pillars of ‘Umrah?
Pillars of Umrah include: 1. Intention of being in a state of Ihram2. Tawaf3. Sa’i
What are the requirements of ‘Umrah?
Requirements of ‘Umrah: 1. Being in a state of Ihram from the Meeqat 2. Shaving or shortening the hair