Once a woman clears from her menses, which prayers is she responsible for on the day of her clearing? Is this opinion agreed upon by scholars?
A woman is responsible for those prayers (the previous daytime prayers if she clears during the daytime and the previous nighttime prayers if she clears during the nighttime), even if […]
What if she clears nafas blood before 40 days?
She can resume regular status and is allowed to pray.
What is the ruling for wiping over socks during wudu’?
Many jurists allowed this.Hanafi, Maliki, Shafa’i: on condition that the bottom of the socks should be made of leather.Footwear must be worn while in a condition of purity (after performing […]
How do we purify things?
Purification from impurities is performed by using water.Purification after answering the call of nature from urine and excrement:Performed by wiping with paper, stones, or any similar pure material.It’s also allowed […]