What do I do if I am pregnant and/or nursing and cannot fast?
For a pregnant or nursing woman, there are some details to mention and there are many differences of opinion among the scholars as to how and when she should make […]
What is the ruling for a pregnant woman who still experiences bleeding?
Once a woman becomes pregnant, the rulings of monthly cycles stop, even if she is still discharging blood. She can still pray, fast, etc. This would just be considered as […]
What is the permissibility of a pregnant woman going to ‘Umrah?
She is allowed to do that, but after she consults with a doctor in that matter.
What is the detailed analysis of the fifth opinion which states that the pregnant woman needs to only make up the missed days and the nursing woman needs to make up the days and pay a fidya?
This opinion, which is that of Imam Maalik, states that a differentiation needs to be made between a pregnant woman who breaks the fast due to fear of harm to […]
What is the detailed analysis of the third opinion which states that a pregnant or nursing woman needs to make up the missed days and pay the fidya?
This opinion, which is that of Imam Shafi’i and Imam Ahmad, uses as evidence the same verse as the other scholars who agree that these women need to make up […]