Is there an exception to the impermissibility of making tawwaf while on menses?
Ibn Taymiyyah states that this would not apply in regard to women who traveled long distances. He believes that those women are allowed to do the tawwaf while on menses. […]
What if 40 days of nafas passes? Is that blood considered hayth or istihatha?
As long as there is a trace of blood, it’s still considered nafas blood. Even if it extends to 60 days. However, if it extends abnormally longer than that, then […]
A woman is currently clear and feels the sign of an upcoming period. Asr time comes in at 4pm and she is making wudu at 4:05pm. During wudu she feels wetness and notices the discharge. Does she need to make up the prayer?
She doesn’t need to make up the prayer because of the short timespan between the time of athan and the time the period began. It’s not enough time to make […]
What if a woman is currently clear but she feels a sign of an upcoming period?
Menses rulings are not based on signs but are only based on discharge. If for example, it is duhr time, she should go ahead and pray duhr. Asr time comes […]
The scenario that can occur with menstruating women: What does she do if she is still discharging istihatha after a maximum of 15 days?
She needs to change her pads and refresh her wudu for each prayer. If she feels that she was discharging the istihatha during the prayer, her prayer is still valid.
What are the nullifiers of tayammum?
Whatever nullifies ablution and/or bathingPresence of water for the one who couldn’t find waterAbility to use water for one who previously was incapable of using itExpiration of the permitted reason […]
What are prohibited acts for one in a state of major ritual impurity that are agreed upon by Muslim jurists?
How would a person with urinary incontinence purify themselves for prayer?
If a person has a problem that constantly breaks his wudu, such as one who suffers from urinary incontinence and constant wind and can not control it at any certain […]
What are actions that require wudu’ that are agreed upon by Muslim jurists?
What is the evidence as to why a menstruating woman needs to make up for her missed fasts but not for her prayers?
Mu’adha al-‘Adawiya said that when she asked ‘A’isha (ra) why one who has been menstruating must make up for her fast but not for her prayer, she replied, “That happened […]
If I missed a prayer, do I pray it when I remember it or do I wait till the next day time of the missed prayer?
Based on the hadith mentioned that does not end only the way you related but also says something very specific which is ” there is no other way to make […]
Is it a sin to sleep through Fajir prayer?
It is not the sleep that is the sin, because the sleeping person is not morally responsible. Rather, the sin would relate to that which directly led one to miss […]