A man was given a sum of money by a non-Muslim, and he performed Hajj and Umrah with it. What is the ruling on his Hajj/Umrah?
All schools of thought allow accepting a gift from a non-Muslim as long as it does not glorify or endorse their Shirk.Using this money to go to Hajj or Umrah […]
If the place of residence has a strong fragrance that leaves a trace on the body or clothes of a person performing Umrah, what is required of him?
Nothing is required of him if this is a result of the presence of fragrance in the airand not an intentional act of perfuming the body.
If one who is performing Umrah loses his ablution (Wudoo’), does he have to maintain his ablution (Wudoo’) to say the Talbiya?
No, Talbiyah does not require ablution (Wudoo’).
What is the meaning of our saying: “Laybbaka Allahuma Labbayk” (”Here I am, O Allah, here I am”)?
It is an answer after an answer to Allah’s order- the Lord of the worlds. The firstanswer is a response to Prophet Ibrahim’s call (may Allah be pleased with him), […]
If a person who is performing Umrah does not pray two rak’at for Ihram, is there something required of him?
That is okay – nothing is required of him.
What are the recommended acts to be performed prior to entering the state of Ihram of ‘Umrah?
1. Doing Ghusl 2. It is preferred (mustahhab) to do the following acts of cleanliness: to shave pubichair, pluck or shave armpit hair, trim nails, and trim mustache (for men). […]
How is the Meeqat related to the rituals of ‘Umrah?
It is a requirement instated by the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) that one must notpass the Meeqat except that he makes the intention of Ihram, if he wants to perform […]