What does a woman do if she intended Hajj or Umrah and then started her menstrual cycle prior to reaching the Meeqat?
She should enter the state of Ihram before the Meeqat even if she is menstruating and her Ihram will then commence. This is supported by the saying of the Prophet […]
What if a woman wants to take repeated ghusl throughout her istihatha period?
She can, but it is not required.
What is the ruling in the case of young females who are starting their cycles? In the beginning, it may take a few months or years to establish a regular cycle.
At this stage, any discharge would be considered her hayth blood.
What is the ruling for a pregnant woman who still experiences bleeding?
Once a woman becomes pregnant, the rulings of monthly cycles stop, even if she is still discharging blood. She can still pray, fast, etc. This would just be considered as […]