What is the evidence as to why a menstruating woman needs to make up for her missed fasts but not for her prayers?
Mu’adha al-‘Adawiya said that when she asked ‘A’isha (ra) why one who has been menstruating must make up for her fast but not for her prayer, she replied, “That happened […]
Which is the most serious invalidator of a fast and requires an expiation?
Intercourse is the most serious invalidator, as it has a severe expiation along with it. The person needs to make tawba, make up the day, and fast for 60 consecutive […]
If a woman wants to be safe from the difference of opinion of the scholars, which is the most cautious opinion she should take?
She should make up the days that are missed due to pregnancyShe should both make up the days and pay a fidya for days that are missed due to nursing.
Which opinion is best to follow?
It is best to follow the opinion of the majority of the scholars, which is: Make up the missed days only with no need to pay fidya; this is for […]
What are the general rulings in the make up of the missed fasts?
Some scholars say she only needs to make up the missed days. Some scholars differentiate between the two types of pregnant women: The one who breaks the fast due to […]
What is the ruling for a person who works at a physically demanding job, such as construction, which can result in extreme exhaustion and dehydration?
They should try their best to leave this type of work or to take a leave from it during the month of Ramadan.If they are unable to do that, then […]
Scenario: a traveler misses 5 days of fasting in Ramadan and dies 3 months later without making the days up. What should be done?
Majority of scholars say that if he had a legitimate reason for not being able to make them up in that time frame, then nothing should be done. Majority of […]
What if a traveler has no legitimate reason for not being able to make up missed fasts before the next Ramadan, such as due to laziness and procrastination?
Majority of the scholars agree that this is a sinful act and that he should a) repent b) make up for the missed days c) pay kaffara ($7 to feed […]
What if a traveler had a legitimate reason for not being able to make up missed fasts before the next Ramadan?
Majority of the scholars agree that there is no sin on him and no kaffara, but he still needs to make up the days. A kaffara is an expiation to […]
How would a traveler make up the missed fasting days of Ramadan?
Majority of the scholars agree that the days need to be made up before the next Ramadan. The evidence is the action of A’isha (ra) who made sure she did […]