Is there a kaffara for having intercourse during menses?
Some scholars say yes, one has to pay a dinar (or the equivalent of it), in kaffara. So this is more of a symbolic kaffara.
Does a person who does not fast due to a chronic illness need to pay a kaffara?
No, kaffara is paid to rectify a sin. Since no sin was committed, they would need to pay a fidya, which means ‘in replacement of’ in the amount of $7 […]
Scenario: a traveler misses 5 days of fasting in Ramadan and dies 3 months later without making the days up. What should be done?
Majority of scholars say that if he had a legitimate reason for not being able to make them up in that time frame, then nothing should be done. Majority of […]
What if a traveler has no legitimate reason for not being able to make up missed fasts before the next Ramadan, such as due to laziness and procrastination?
Majority of the scholars agree that this is a sinful act and that he should a) repent b) make up for the missed days c) pay kaffara ($7 to feed […]
What if a traveler had a legitimate reason for not being able to make up missed fasts before the next Ramadan?
Majority of the scholars agree that there is no sin on him and no kaffara, but he still needs to make up the days. A kaffara is an expiation to […]
Can a fast be broken by a traveling person who started traveling after fajr and during fasting hours?
Majority of the scholars say no, except if there is hardship involved. They agreed though that if the traveler does break it during the day, the traveler needs to only […]