What is meant by ‘Umrah?
Linguistically, ‘Umrah means going to a place and visiting it. In a religiouscontext, it means visiting the House of Allah in Makkah in order to perform therituals that the Messenger […]
What is the ruling on women performing the pilgrimage Hajj/Ummrah without a mahram?
I pray all is well and may Allah (swt) accept all your good deeds and bless you for your keenness, eagerness, and enthusiasm to learn the authentic Sunnah in following […]
What are the times and events for which ghusl is preferred?
Friday’s before the Friday prayerThe day of ArafahThe two Eids: Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-AdhaAfter washing a dead body.Umrah and/or HajjEntering Makkah