What are the different types of fasting?
Obligatory Voluntary Haram/Impermissible Makrooh/Disliked
What is the ruling on fasting the month of Ramadan?
Fasting the month of Ramadan is a pillar of Islam and one of the religion’s obligations. Its evidence is based on textual proof found in the Quran, Sunnah, and the […]
What is the duration of the fast?
It is from dawn to sunset.
What are the pillars of fasting?
Abstaining from the desires of the stomach and sexual relations Abstaining from that which breaks one’s fast Maaliki and Shafi’i added another pillar, which is making the intention to fast […]
What is the Islamic definition of fasting?
It is abstaining from that which breaks one’s fast during the daytime period, from dawn to sunset.
What are impermissible acts during menses and post-childbirth bleeding which are agreed upon?
– Fasting– Praying– Spousal sexual intercourse