What are the conditions of the fast according to Maaliki?
The conditions are four: Intention Purification from menstruation or post-childbirth bleeding Islam The fasting is done during a permissible time (ex., it is prohibited to fast on the day of […]
What are the conditions of fasting due to Hanafi?
The conditions are three: Intention Being free from that which nullifies the fast, such as menstruation and post-childbirth bleeding (nifaas). If a woman menstruates, she breaks her fast and makes […]
What are the prerequisites of fasting?
The prerequisites are five: Islam Puberty Sanity Ability Residence
What is the evidence for those who take the opinion of unifying the commencement of fasting and just using one horizon as reference?
Ibn ‘Omar (ra), reported that our Prophet (pbuh) said: “The month of Ramadan may consist of twenty-nine days. So do not fast until you have sighted it (the new moon) […]
What is the evidence for one who takes the opinion of fasting according to the horizon in one’s region?
Kuraib narrated that Umm al-Fadl sent him to Muawiyah in ash-Sham. He said, “I came to ash-Sham and completed the errand. Then the new crescent of Ramadan was sighted while […]
When should fasting commence if there is a difference in the horizon in one place versus another?
The majority state that fasting should commence at the same time for all Muslims, and the difference in horizon should not be taken into consideration. Imam Shafi’i states that commencement […]
When is fasting obligatory?
Fasting is obligatory in the following situations: First: Vowed Fasts: If one vows to fast a day or a month to seek nearness to Allah swt, then he must do […]
Is it permissible to start a voluntary fast and then break it without an excuse?
The scholars have differed on the matter: First opinion: Whoever enters a voluntary fast must complete it; if he does not, he must make it up. Second opinion: Whoever enters […]
What is voluntary (nafl) fasting?
Voluntary worship is seeking nearness to Allah (SWT) through that which is not obligatory.
Is there fasting that is disliked?
Yes:1. Fasting every day2. Singling out Friday3. Singling out Saturday4. Fasting the Day of Doubt (last day of Sha’ban)5. Fasting a day or two before Ramadan according to the majority […]
Are there days that are haram to fast other than Eid days?
Yes, the following are haram according to the consensus, or prohibitively disliked according to Imam Hanafi: The voluntary fasting of a woman without her husband’s permission. Fasting on the Day […]
What are the eight types of fasts according to Imam Hanafi?
Specified obligatory fasts: the current month of Ramadan. Non-specified obligatory fasts: making up fasts from a past Ramadan and expiation fasts. Specified necessary (wajib) fasts: specified vowed fasts. Non-specified necessary […]