If a husband fondles his wife and ejaculates semen/mani as a result, but she doesn’t release any discharge, would that break her fast?
That does not break her fast or invalidate it unless she also becomes aroused and discharges fluid.
Is it permissible for a husband to kiss his wife while fasting? And is foreplay permissible between spouses while fasting?
Imam al-Nawawi says, “It is disliked for one to kiss his spouse if it results in sexual arousal and not disliked otherwise, and there is no difference between the young […]
If the fasting of one who enters the day’s fast in a state of janabah is valid, how is the following hadith explained and does it pose a difference of opinion in the matter?
“Whoever wakes up in janabah, there is no fasting for him.” [Bukhari] This refers to the one who wakes up in a state of janabah due to intercourse and continues […]
If one is in a state of janabah and does not perform ghusl before fajr time has entered, is his/her fasting valid?
Yes, it is valid. Evidence for this is the narration of the Mother of the Believers, A’isha (ra), stating that the Prophet (pbuh) was at times in a state of […]
Is the reward for feeding those who are fasting specific to the poor, or is it general and inclusive to family and friends?
‘Fasting person’ in the above hadith refers both to those who are poor and otherwise. The reward is granted for the feeding of any fasting person. However, it is better […]
Is it permissible to supplicate with duaa other than the authentic duaa from the Sunnah if one has not memorized the authentic duaa?
Yes, it is permissible to make duaa even if it is not one recorded in the Sunnah. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Choose any supplication that you like and call upon […]
Is it permissible to delay iftar slightly just to be on the safe side?
The Sunnah is to hasten the iftar after confirming the sunset. If the fasting person intentionally delays iftar due to his/her belief that it is more virtuous, then that is […]
Is it permissible to fast without suhoor?
Yes, it is permissible and valid for one to fast without eating suhoor; however, he/she will have abandoned the sunnah act of observing suhoor.
Is intention required for every day in the month of Ramadan?
The majority (except for Maaliki) state that the intention should be made for each day; fasting each day is an independent act of worship and the validity of a day’s […]
Is purification from janabah required to start the fast?
Scholars have agreed that one does not have to be free of janabah, as it is by choice to purify oneself from that.A’isha (ra) narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) was […]
Which conditions of fasting have all the scholars agreed upon?
Intention Purification for the entirety of the day Islam is considered to be a condition of validity according to the majority, but a prerequisite according to Hanafi.
What are the conditions of fasting according to Hanbali?
The conditions are three: Islam Intention Purification from menstruation and post-childbirth bleeding