What is meant by wisal (connected fasting) and what is its ruling?
Wisal (connected fasting) is fasting for two days without breaking one’s fast in between with food and drink. It’s disliked according to most scholars and forbidden according to Shafa’i. Anas […]
Which is better in Ramadan: focusing on worship or seeking knowledge?
The righteous predecessors used to leave everything once Ramadan began and focus solely on worship, especially the recitation of the Qur’an. It has also been reported that some of them […]
In the case of expiation due to intercourse by means of feeding, is it required to feed sixty poor Muslim people or would it suffice to only feed one?
Scholars differed: First opinion: One must feed 60 poor Muslim people, and that is the opinion of the majority from the Maaliki’s, Shafa’is, and Hanbali’s; it cannot be split to […]
Does the expiation for intercourse during the daytime in Ramadan have to be offered immediately, or can one take his time in offering it?
Expiation is an immediate obligation and it is not permissible to delay it except with a valid excuse.One who is required to offer expiation due to intercourse should be cautious […]
What is the ruling for one who repeats intercourse in Ramadan?
Whoever repeats intercourse in the same day, one expiation will be sufficient for him; this is without any disagreement amongst the scholars. This is because he invalidated his day’s fast […]
What is the ruling for a man who has intercourse with his wife during the daytime in Ramadan out of forgetfulness?
The man does not have to offer expiation if intercourse happens out of forgetfulness. This is the opinion of the majority from the Hanafi’s, Maaliki’s, Shafa’is, and a report by […]
What is the ruling on a woman’s fast if her husband forced her into intercourse during the day in Ramadan?
It is forbidden for a man to have sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadan, and it is forbidden for a woman to give in to her […]
What is the expiation for a wife whose husband has intercourse with her without her consent?
There is a difference of opinion in the matter. If the wife was pressured into intercourse, or committed the act out of forgetfulness, or did not possess the knowledge that […]
Is expiation for having sexual intercourse during the daytime in Ramadan required for the husband and wife, or is it only required for the husband?
The husband must make up the day and offer expiation; this is by agreement of the four main schools of thought. The majority opinion also states that the wife should […]
Is expiation based on the order stated in the above hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) to the companion?
Expiation due to spousal sexual intercourse during the daytime in Ramadan is based on the order stated in the hadith. Thus, one does not entertain the option of fasting two […]
What is the expiation for spouses who have intercourse during the daytime in Ramadan due to desire that stemmed from both of them?
They must repent, seek forgiveness from Allah, and be regretful. They must also make up this day. They must offer an expiation. Expiation would be:Freeing a believing slave, and if […]
What is the expiation if one or both spouses discharge mani as a result of sexual arousal?
If one or both spouses discharge mani, the fast should be continued out of guilt and respect and the day should be made up later. However, no expiation is needed […]