Does a person who does not fast due to a chronic illness need to pay a kaffara?
No, kaffara is paid to rectify a sin. Since no sin was committed, they would need to pay a fidya, which means ‘in replacement of’ in the amount of $7 […]
What if the student travels back and forth during that time period from the area to his home country?
Whether or not the student is still considered a resident of his home country is flexible. He is considered a resident of both places, so the only days he can […]
What if he knows ahead of time that the trip will last more than 4 days?
The majority of the scholars say that if he is intending to stay more than 4 days, then no, he cannot continue breaking his fast. He is no longer a […]
When is he allowed to start breaking his fast?
According to the majority of the scholars, he has to have the intention of fasting that day and start fasting the same as everyone else. Once he gets on the […]
What if the above case was for non-Ramadan fasts, such as fasting on Mondays and Thursdays and the six days of the month of Shawwal?
The majority of the scholars agree that if there is difficulty in fasting and they didn’t break the fast, then that is disliked (makrooh). Traveling Scenario: The traveler starts on […]
Is a person obligated to break their fast if they go on travel?
According to the majority of scholars, the answer is no.According to Imam Ahmad, it is recommended to break the fast.Our class adopts the majority opinion that it is more virtuous […]
Is it permissible for frequent travelers to break their fast?
If travel does not cause him hardship, it is better to observe the ritual fast of the blessed days of Ramadan.If the traveler decides to break the fast, it is […]
What is the definition of travel?
It is defined by culture and custom. For example, we wouldn’t consider travel within our city limits or to another neighboring city or town, as travel.The majority of scholars agree […]
What is the evidence that travel is a legitimate reason that allows a person to break his/her fast during Ramadan or an obligatory fast?
The evidence is: “…so whoever sights (the new moon of) the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of […]
What are legitimate reasons that allow someone to break an obligatory fast?
Travel Sickness Old Age Ikrah Extreme thirst Extreme hunger Exhaustion Jihad (fighting for the sake of Allah) Pregnancy Nursing
Is it permissible to intentionally gather one’s saliva and swallow it to alleviate a dry mouth sensation for the fasting person?
Gathering one’s saliva and swallowing it does not break the fast regardless of how frequently it is done. However, some scholars dislike it.
Is it permissible for a husband to kiss his wife while fasting and is it permissible for spouses to have foreplay while fasting?
Narrated A’isha: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to kiss and embrace while he was fasting, but he was the one of you who had most control over his desire.” […]