Does having a blood test taken have any effect on the fast?
The basic principle is that the fast remains valid and cannot be spoiled except by things for which there is Islamic religious evidence that they affect the fast.In this case, […]
Is it allowed for women to take medicine to delay their menses?
Yes, unless it will end up messing up the cycle in the future. She needs to consult with her doctor.
Which activities does hayth prevent?
According to consensus:-Salah-Fasting-Intimacy (only the actual intercourse)-Tawwaf around ka’baa (she stays in her ihram, and leaves with her group, and when she clears she will return to Mecca and does […]
Why is it important to know the minimum/ maximum length of the hayth and the emergence of the istihatha?
During the hayth, a woman cannot fast, pray, engage in spousal intimacy, or make tawwaf of Ka’baa. However, she is allowed to do those things during the istihatha.
What is the ruling on using non-nutritive antibiotic eye drops and contact lenses solution (antibacterial and cleansing) while fasting?
Scholars have differed over the ruling for using eye drops while fasting. The dominant opinion of the Hanafis and the apparent position of the Shafi’is is that eye drops do […]
What is the ruling if a person with sinus issues has mucus build up and they feel that they are swallowing that mucus?
This does not invalidate their fast because it is beyond their control. However, those who are able to spit out the mucus should do so.
What is the ruling if someone breathes in dust, dirt, or pollen from the air?
This does not invalidate the fast, but the person should spit out as much of what they can of what was breathed in.
What is the ruling if a person does wudhu outside of the prayer time with the intention of refreshing his/her dry mouth?
This does not invalidate the fast because Allah allowed wudhu while fasting. Of course, this should not be done excessively to the point that water gets intentionally swallowed.
What is the ruling if a fasting person needed to soften their miswak with water before using it and some of the water got mixed with the saliva and was swallowed?
This does not invalidate the fast because Allah allowed the use of miswak while fasting. Of course, this should not be done excessively to the point that water gets intentionally […]
What is the ruling if a man wakes up after fajr time and finds out he had a wet dream or who unintentionally has a wet dream during the day in Ramadan?
Whoever has a wet dream still maintains a valid fast, as it is an occurrence out of that person’s control. However, he must perform ghusl to purify himself from the […]
Is it agreed upon by the scholars that cupping invalidates the fast?
No, the majority of the scholars believe that it is permissible to do cupping while fasting. Their evidence is based on the action of our Prophet (pbuh), who had cupping […]
Is it agreed upon by the scholars that cupping invalidates the fast?
No, the majority of the scholars believe that it is permissible to do cupping while fasting. Their evidence is based on the action of our Prophet (pbuh), who had cupping […]