What are the recommended acts to be performed prior to entering the state of Ihram of ‘Umrah?
1. Doing Ghusl 2. It is preferred (mustahhab) to do the following acts of cleanliness: to shave pubichair, pluck or shave armpit hair, trim nails, and trim mustache (for men). […]
What are the pillars of ‘Umrah?
Pillars of Umrah include: 1. Intention of being in a state of Ihram2. Tawaf3. Sa’i
Due to the speed of the airplane, a person who is performing ‘Umrah was a little late in verbalizing his intention, saying the Talbiya, and wearing the Ihram attire; and he did not do so except after he passed the Meeqat – what is the ruling in his doing?
If he passed the Meeqat by a short estimated time period and a short distance,then there is no harm and there is nothing required of him. However, if he has […]
A person performing ‘Umrah is traveling by plane and has been informed that he will pass above the Meeqat in thirty minutes, but he made the intention and started the Talbiya shortly before the Meeqat – is that considered a problem?
There is no problem with that caution and vigilance due to the speed of the planeas long as he did it shortly before the Meeqat, as the requirement is to […]
Is it permissible to wear the Ihram attire from home, before getting on the airplane?
Yes, this is permissible and allowed as part of the flexibility of this worship act.
What is the wisdom in having more than one Meeqat around Makkah?
This is to lift any difficulty and facilitate convenience for entering Makkah fromany direction aligning with the Meeqat.
How is the Meeqat related to the rituals of ‘Umrah?
It is a requirement instated by the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) that one must notpass the Meeqat except that he makes the intention of Ihram, if he wants to perform […]
What is meant by the Meeqat?
In the Shara’/ Islamic definition, it refers to the specified time and place that isprepared to perform the worship.
What are the requirements of ‘Umrah?
Requirements of ‘Umrah: 1. Being in a state of Ihram from the Meeqat 2. Shaving or shortening the hair
What is the reward of one who gives to a person who cannot afford to go to ‘Umrah?
The one who guides to goodness is as the one who does it. The Messenger ofAllah (ﷺ) said, “Whomever helps out a person who is experiencing a difficulty, Allahwill make […]
Is it permissible for one who has financial difficulty to go to ‘Umrah from Zakat money?
It is permissible for a person who wants to go to ‘Umrah to be sponsored andfunded with Zakat money. This Zakat money is part of the category “ for the […]
Must the Muslim use his personal money to go on ‘Umrah?
It is better that the Muslim goes to Umrah with his own money; however, iflegitimate (halal) money becomes available from any source – without him asking for it,then there is […]