The Islamic Association of Raleigh regrets to inform our community members that Imam Abutaleb has resigned from his position as Imam due to personal reasons. The IAR is grateful for his nearly six and a half years of outstanding service and leadership to our beloved community. Please respect Imam Abutaleb’s privacy at this time.
The IAR is working diligently to ensure that there is no loss of support to our community members during this transition. As always, for any religious or counseling matters, please reach out to the Imam’s office directly. Please continue to visit for information on our community and the latest updates regarding programming, announcements, and additional resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
Was there a conflict between IAR and Imam AbuTaleb?
No. There was no conflict between IAR and Imam AbuTaleb. His departure was not due to salary concerns, work/life balance challenges or health issues. Imam AbuTaleb made the decision to resign in order to focus on a private matter. The IAR fully supports Imam AbuTaleb’s decision to resign and has asked us to respect his privacy during this difficult time.
What will happen now?
We recognize Imam AbuTaleb’s resignation is a tremendous loss for our community both spiritually and emotionally. The IAR is committed to ensuring continuity in programming and community support during this transition.
Will Imam AbuTaleb be replaced?
Your leadership team is working diligently to plan and execute a search for the right Imam for our masjid. In time, we will reach out to the community for its feedback on this important issue. Expect more information after Ramadan.
How can we reach Imam AbuTaleb or send our well wishes?
Imam Abutaleb has decided to step down as IAR Imam while he navigates a private matter. As such, we ask that you respect his privacy during this difficult time. He has indicated that after a quick break, he is looking forward to returning as a member of the community.
How do we contact an Imam at the IAR?
A comprehensive list of services offered by the Imams office is available through our website (under services). You can also send an email to [email protected]
What about essential services like Janaza, Weddings, Prayers, Khutbas?
The IAR is extremely blessed to have two dedicated and knowledgeable imams, Imam Muamar Dahnoun and Imam Mohamed Badawy. Both Imams are able to fulfil the needs and concerns of our community for the foreseeable future. Please visit our website for a comprehensive list of services and programs available to the community.
Has Imam AbuTaleb addressed the community?
He has posted the following on his personal FB page: