
Salah Resources

Learning and Improving our Salah The Excellence of Salah Allah the Exalted says what can be translated as, “Verily, As-Salat (prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha (great sins) and Al-Munkar (evil and wicked deeds).” (Qur’an, 29:45) The Prophet Muhummad, peace be upon...
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Converts Telegram Groups

Ummah: A Community of Believers In Islam, the concept of community, known as “ummah,” holds great significance and plays a crucial role in the life of a Muslim. The emphasis...
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Learn about Allah

Allah Messengers Divine Books Angels Day of Judgement Divine Decree Who is Allah? It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in...
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Learn about Divine Decree

Allah Messengers Divine Books Angels Day of Judgement Divine Decree Qadr: Divine Decree In Islam, the concept of divine decree, known as “Qadr” or “Qada’ wa Qadr,” encompasses the belief...
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Learn about Day of Judgement

Allah Messengers Divine Books Angels Day of Judgement Divine Decree Yawm al Qiyamah: The Day of Judgement In Islam, the Day of Judgment, also known as the Day of Resurrection...
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Learn about Angels

Allah Messengers Divine Books Angels Day of Judgement Divine Decree Mala’ika: Angels in Islam In Islamic theology, angels hold a significant place as celestial beings created by Allah (God) to...
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Learn about the Divine Books

Allah Messengers Divine Books Angels Day of Judgement Divine Decree Kutub: The Divine Books Muslims believe in the concept of divine books, also known as “revealed scriptures,” which are messages...
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Learn about Messengers

Allah Messengers Divine Books Angels Day of Judgement Divine Decree The Messengers of God Muslims believe in the concept of prophethood, which is central to Islamic theology. Prophets, known as...
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Learn about Zakat

Shahadah Salah Zakat Sawm Hajj Zakat: Charity Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and it is the obligatory charity or almsgiving that Muslims are required to give...
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Learn about Shahadah

Shahadah Salah Zakat Sawm Hajj Shahadah: The testification Shahadah is the Islamic declaration of faith and the first of the Five Pillars of Islam. It is a fundamental tenet of...
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Learn About Islam

What is Islam? Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion founded on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad as revealed in the sacred text known as the Quran. With over a billion...
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Qur’an Night on Friday 7-30

Qur’an Night on Friday 7-30

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