The IAR Da’wah Committee, in collaboration with Rays of Faith, is offering this workshop to provide practical techniques for your everyday conversations about Islam.
Learn techniques for having engaging and dynamic conversations that inspire, educate and uplift with the amazing message of Islam.
Rays of Faith in collaboration with the IAR has designed an extensive new collection of da’wah materials focused on topics that are at the top of mind for many people.
Modern eye-catching graphics and attention-grabbing descriptions lead the reader to scan the code to learn more.
Scroll through these samples. Workshop attendees will get a starter set of some of these new materials to take home!
This is an interactive workshop with practice opportunities.
Space is limited. Register today!
We rely on our generous community to create a lasting impact and ensure the continuous operations of your Masjid as the gathering place, school, and house of worship for Muslims across the Triangle.
Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.”
– The Holy Quran 2:274
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