You Sustain This Masjid

Alhamdulilah we have raised $[get_sheet_value location=”Meter”] so far, will you help get us to the goal?

We rely on our community’s generous donations to power exceptional programming, thrilling events and critical thinking to empower our future leaders.

Take control of your generous donations by enrolling in text to give today! Watch the video or text [the amount you would like to give] to (919) 587-8111.

Our new donation portal will show your entire donation history, tax receipt and some fun surprises. By donating $1 and enrolling today, you save yourself time during the fundraiser and we can do our part to reduce paper waste.

How Does IAR spend this money?

Read last year’s annual report to learn where IAR funds are allocated and view highlights from our programming committees.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin $0 towards the $1,000,000 target.Raised $0 towards the $1,000,000 target.0%

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report.ย 
