Do I need to remove my shoes?
Do I need to remove my shoes in the mosque? We ask that you remove your shoes before entering the prayer area at the mosque, so that the floors and […]
Visiting the mosque for the first time
Visiting the Mosque: What do I need to know? Whatever brings you to be interested in learning more about Islam and Muslims, we’re delighted to have you visit our mosque. […]
Do I make up the missed days of fasting, pay fidya, or both?
Fasting and Fidya Regarding the Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mother By Osman Umarji A common question and concern for Muslim women has been the rules regarding fasting and making up fasts […]
What do I do if I am pregnant and/or nursing and cannot fast?
For a pregnant or nursing woman, there are some details to mention and there are many differences of opinion among the scholars as to how and when she should make […]
What if the medical condition is not chronic and not lasting?
If their medical condition is not lasting or they can make up the days when the days are shorter, they would make up the days rather than paying the Fidya.
How much is the Fidya for a person who cannot fast?
Such a person would pay Fidya equivalent to feeding a poor person a decent meal for each day of fasting they have missed. The dollar amount of this will vary […]
Who needs to pay Fidya?
It applies to those who have enduring medical conditions that make them unable to fast currently and in the future.
What is Fidya of not being able to fast?
Fidya is an amount of money or food that is paid to the poor by the one who is not able to fast.
Is it permissible Islamically for a person to break his fast because his work schedule is difficult?
Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam which is established by the Qur’an and Sunnah and by the consensus of the ummah. It is not permissible for Muslims to […]
If an unmarried woman commits Zina with a man and becomes pregnant, can they get married (nikkah) right away after the baby is born, or do they have to wait three months?
There is no need for the pregnant woman who committed Zina to wait three months after delivery to get married. She can get married to the man she committed Zina […]
What is the Islamic ruling on enzymes in cheese?
What is the Islamic ruling on enzymes in cheese? Imam al-Nawawi said in al-Majmu’ (9/68):“The ummah has agreed that it is permissible to eat cheese so long as it is […]
Is it allowed in Islam for a woman to ride a bike or motorcycle?
Islam deals with women on an equal footing with men. At the same time, Islam pays much more attention to protecting women against any harm. Women riding bikes, cars, and […]