A person performing Umrah forgot to take off his undergarments and/or his socks when commencing the intention for Umrah, what is required of him?
The one who forgets is not required to make up for his shortcoming. Wheneverhe remembers, he should take off his undergarments and/or socks- there is no Fidyahsacrifice required.
Is it permissible to use a belt or a pin to secure the Ihram attire on the body and prevent the Ihram attire from falling?
There is no problem in using those items, or other similar objects, to secure theIhram clothing, and doing so does not mark one’s Ihram clothing as a stitched garmentthat is […]
Is it permissible to wear a watch, belt, and/or shoes even though they have stitches?
Yes, it is permissible; those are not amongst the items of prohibited clothingin Ihram.
Is wearing white in a state of Ihram obligatory?
No, it is not obligatory; however, it is preferred for men to wear white in the stateof Ihram.
What is meant by refraining from wearing stitched clothing during Ihram for men?
What is meant is avoiding the wearing of garments that identify or outline bodyparts, such as pants and shirts.
If prayer is announced during Tawaf and the man has his shoulder exposed, what does he do during prayer?
He will cover his right shoulder while praying, then he will expose it after finishingthe prayer to return and continue his Tawaf.
Does a man show his right shoulder while wearing his Ihram attire?
No- he shows his right shoulder when he begins the Tawaf and during the Tawaf,then he covers his right shoulder after finishing the Tawaf.
Does wearing the Ihram clothing enter one into the rituals of Umrah?
No, the entrance into the rituals is accomplished when the intention is vocalizedand Talbiya is commenced while in alignment with the Meeqat.
What is the Ihram attire for men?
Ihram attire: Izar– what covers the lower body and Rida’– what covers the upper body and is placed on the shoulders
What is meant by Ihram?
It is the entrance into the rituals of Umrah, which is done by making the intentionin one’s heart, then vocalizing it while abstaining from the prohibitions.
If a person who is performing Umrah does not pray two rak’at for Ihram, is there something required of him?
That is okay – nothing is required of him.
Is there a special sunnah to be done in the masjid of the Meeqat?
If there is an ongoing obligatory prayer, then he should pray in congregation then intend Ihram for Umrah and start the Talbiya. If there is no ongoing obligatory prayer, then […]