What type of arguments are prohibited during the state of Ihram?
There are different types of arguments: First: Arguments with the intent to prove the truth with good speech, and that isobligatory. Second: Arguments in matters that are neither true nor […]
Is it permissible for a sick person with a fever to place cold compresses on his head due to the pain?
Yes, it is permissible due to necessity and does not fall under Ihram prohibitions.
What is the ruling for a man to cover his feet while he is sleeping when he is in the state of Ihram and performing Umrah?
It is permissible for him to do so.
Is it permissible for the one performing Umrah to use an umbrella while he is in a state of Ihram?
Yes, it is permissible as long as the umbrella or anything of the like does notdirectly cover the head.
What is the ruling on the use of creams during the state of Ihram?
It is permissible, as long as it is for medicinal use and not for the intent of usingfor its scent or leisure.
Is it permissible to use the Siwak or a toothbrush for the one in a state of Ihram?
Yes, it is permissible for men and women alike in any state and at any time. Toothpaste does not fall under the category of the prohibition of scented items.
If one accidentally was biting his nails out of forgetfulness, what is the ruling for that?
There is nothing on him, as he did not intentionally put his nails between histeeth; he did it forgetfully out of habit without realizing it.
Is it permissible for the one in a state of Ihram to clip a nail that is on the verge of breaking,
Yes, it is permissible, and doing so does not fall under the Ihram prohibitions.
What does one do if some perfume accidentally got on his body or clothes while he is in Ihram?
He has to take off his clothes, wash off the perfume, and remove its residue fromhis Ihram attire or wear new Ihram attire.
If a person performing Umrah rubs his head and some hair falls out, is he required to do anything?
No, he is not required to do anything even if some hair falls out, as he did not pullout his hair intentionally and the hair that fell out from the […]
What are the general prohibitions to be avoided during the state of Ihram that are shared between men and women?
The general prohibitions shared between men and women: clipping nails cutting hair using perfume or scented products intercourse and what leads to it marriage and engagement hunting or the assistance […]
What is the ruling for one who committed more than one prohibition during the state of Ihram?
This matter requires further clarification: a. If a person performing Umrah does several prohibited acts from the samecategory-for example: wearing a shirt, kufi, and pants- then he is only required […]