Assalamu Alaikum:
Alhamdulillah Br. Samy and I are honored and truly humbled to serve as the new Chair and Vice-Chair of the IAR for the Shura term 2018-2021. We are thankful to Allah (SWT) for His blessings and to all of you to trust us to serve as the officials of the IAR. This is a huge responsibility and Insha Allah we look forward to serving the community with your support and team work.
Br. Samy and I would like to offer our sincere appreciation to the previous IAR officials (Chair: Br. Mohamed ElGamal, Vice Chair: Br. Hassan Imam and Secretary: Sr. Tanzeel Chohan) for their dedication and hard work during the past term. Also, we offer our gratitude to all the EC chairs, their committee members and all the volunteers for the great job in the past 3 years. May Allah reward you and your families!
As of today, Jan. 1, 2018, our new constitution is in effect.
As you know, our constitution has a new position – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of IAR. The constitution of the IAR Article VIII section 5(h) states that the Chairperson is responsible for “assuming the role of the CEO or designating a person to do so if the CEO is unable to perform his/her essential duties and responsibilities”. Currently we do not have CEO in place, but we need to start organizing now to enable the organization to be successful.
In the absence of a hired CEO, I believe it is very important for me as the Chair of the IAR to designate the CEO role to someone who is very familiar with the Organization and is willing to serve with full dedication. I am very happy to report to you that I am designating the role of the CEO to IAR Vice Chairperson, Br. Samy AbdelBaky effective today. I am thankful to Br. Samy for his kindness and willingness to accept this temporary volunteer role and to continue to offer his services to serve the community. Br. Samy’s contribution and dedication is very well known to all of us. Thank you Br. Samy!
Insha Allah, we will all work as a team with the spirit of serving Allah (SWT).
Jazak Allahu Khairan
Hassan Imam
IAR Chairman
Dated: Jan. 1, 2018
Special Note: We have been advertising for the CEO position and are actively looking to hire the most suitable person for this position. The hiring team is actively searching and interviewing candidates. The process will take some time to select the most suitable candidate for this important position.