Marketing Committee Positions

The IAR is delighted to announce the formation of the marketing committee. The Marketing Committee sets the vision for and manages the overall marketing strategy of the IAR. 

The purpose of this committee is to:

  • Work with the IAR-CEO to define the short-term and long-term marketing needs.
  • Contribute to and review the marketing plan to ensure progress toward annual and long-range goals.
  • Set priorities for marketing efforts; evaluate plans and strategies; and present outcomes to admin team.
  • Work with different committees to coordinate efforts around, public relations, website, social media communications, newsletters, annual report, and other marketing projects.
  • Identify and recruit community members to serve on the Marketing Committee.
  • Engage in advocacy and networking.
  • Keep our community members informed with all the current activities and services that we offer.

Requirements: bachelor’s degree in marketing research or a related field, business administration or communications

Time Commitment: about 4 – 8 hours per month. These are volunteer positions.

If you are interested to lead or join this committee, please send your resume to [email protected]

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
