Welcoming your masjid’s newest committee chairs.

Your masjid relies on a core team of dedicated volunteer committee chairs overseeing and managing targeted programming for every member of our beloved community.

Alhamdulilah the IAR Shura has appointed new executive committee chairs for the 2022-2024 term. We are delighted that several chairs are continuing to serve in their roles supporting the masjid’s growth. Please use the contact us form to reach out to our new committee chairs to see how you can help your masjid prosper!

We are grateful for the impact our outgoing chairs have had on our community and continue to appreciate their tremendous dedication and volunteerism.

Administration & Committees


Please Note: Next month, the Shura will confirm pending committee chairs, so please check this page soon after for more updates. There are still several committee chair positions remaining “open.” Any community member interested to serve as chair for these open positions please send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest and the committee you want to serve so your nomination can be considered by the Shura.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
