Iftar Donations

The Social & Welfare Committee will offer Ramadan Iftar daily at IAR, Monday through
Saturday. It is open to all community members but particularly for the needy, refugees,
travelers, and singles.

Donations for the Daily Iftar Program are being sought from the Community. The amount needed to cover the cost of one day Iftar is $2,500.

A total of over $75,000 will be needed to cover the cost of daily Iftar for the entire month of
Ramadan and Sahoor for the last 10 nights of the month. There is opportunity to
sponsor a day ($2,500), 100 person-Iftar ($1000), 75 person-Iftar ($750) or whatever
amount you are able to donate.

Your generous donations are requested and may Allah SWT reward you for your good deeds.

Iftar Donations Payment Methods:

By Check: Make check payable to IAR and write “Daily Iftar in the memo section.
Deposit check in the IAR Donation Box in the lobby. Use envelopes marked “Daily Iftar”
provided in the IAR lobby.

On-Line: Select “Daily Iftar” in the “Give To” drop-down box.

Cash: Use envelopes marked “Daily Iftar” provided in the IAR lobby and deposit in the Donation Box.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
