Hiring the IAR Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Our new constitution which is effective as of Jan. 1, 2018 provides necessary organizational restructuring to meet our community’s growing need. It requires formation of an administration team – the head of the team being the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who leads the organization in the day to day operation. The CEO reports directly to the IAR Chairman.

The Shura in May 2017 had started the process of advertising to search for a CEO who is suitable for our need and has relevant IAR organizational experience. Alhamdulillah, we are pleased to announce that the CEO hiring committee, after several months of search, review of resumes and interviews has recommended to the Shura to fill this position with the most suitable candidate – Br. Samy AbdelBaky; he has the professional expertise and qualifications required for this position. His long experience and service with IAR makes him uniquely qualified. Br. Samy is therefore our hired CEO effective Jan 14, 2018.

The CEO will lead the Administration team to manage and execute activities of all committees so as to achieve the aims and goals of the IAR. The Administration consists of CEO, Secretary Treasurer, and other officials.

Insha Allah, we look forward to your support for Br. Samy and his team.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
