Hajj 2022/1443 – Pre-Registration is now Live!

Your Hajj Team is working diligently to secure our IAR package for Hajj 2022/1443. 
The Hajj 2022 Pre-Registration is now live at IARHajj.orgPlease note the following points from our Hajj partners:

(1) There has been no announcements from the Hajj ministry, we will keep you posted once registered.
(2) We are expecting Hajj from the USA based at 50% capacity vs the usual numbers before COVID.
(3) To confirm your spot please submit the *pre-registration* paperwork and a $ 1,000 deposit check.
(4) This year also will be on a first come, first serve basis.
(5) As of now we are going off the estimated 2021 prices as we do not have final numbers for 2022.
(6) Once we have the confirmations, we will have one week to either proceed, or cancel and get a full refund.
Due to COVID-19, the logistics on the ground are extremely fluid but those who are pre-registered with their deposit submitted – will have the best chance to be selected or to be given the option to continue their hajj journey insha’Allaah!
For now, we are excited to offer a pre-registration form through our 2020 provider. Those that pre-register and secure their deposit ($1,000), will be given top priority of the available spaces for Hajj 2022.
Pre-Register Here: https://forms.gle/NPV1sUrHzAWn8AGv7
We are monitoring any and all announcements from the Hajj Ministry and we will keep you informed once you pre-register. 
Thank you for choosing IAR as always 🙂 May Allah accept from us all and our intentions! 

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
