Which conditions of fasting have all the scholars agreed upon?
Intention Purification for the entirety of the day Islam is considered to be a condition of validity according to the majority, but a prerequisite according to Hanafi.
What are the conditions of fasting according to Hanbali?
The conditions are three: Islam Intention Purification from menstruation and post-childbirth bleeding
What are the conditions of fasting according to Shafi’i?
The conditions are four: Islam Sanity Purification from menstruation and post-childbirth bleeding (nifaas) for the entirety of the day Fasting at a permissible time Fasting is invalid for a disbeliever, […]
What are the conditions of the fast according to Maaliki?
The conditions are four: Intention Purification from menstruation or post-childbirth bleeding Islam The fasting is done during a permissible time (ex., it is prohibited to fast on the day of […]
What are the conditions of fasting due to Hanafi?
The conditions are three: Intention Being free from that which nullifies the fast, such as menstruation and post-childbirth bleeding (nifaas). If a woman menstruates, she breaks her fast and makes […]
What are the prerequisites of fasting?
The prerequisites are five: Islam Puberty Sanity Ability Residence
What is the evidence for those who take the opinion of unifying the commencement of fasting and just using one horizon as reference?
Ibn ‘Omar (ra), reported that our Prophet (pbuh) said: “The month of Ramadan may consist of twenty-nine days. So do not fast until you have sighted it (the new moon) […]
What is the evidence for one who takes the opinion of fasting according to the horizon in one’s region?
Kuraib narrated that Umm al-Fadl sent him to Muawiyah in ash-Sham. He said, “I came to ash-Sham and completed the errand. Then the new crescent of Ramadan was sighted while […]
When should fasting commence if there is a difference in the horizon in one place versus another?
The majority state that fasting should commence at the same time for all Muslims, and the difference in horizon should not be taken into consideration. Imam Shafi’i states that commencement […]
What should a Muslim say at the sighting of the new moon (of the lunar month)?
At the sighting of the new moon (of the lunar month), the Prophet (pbuh) used to supplicate:“Allahumma ahillahu ‘alaina bil-amni wal-iman, was-salamati wal-Islam, Rabbi wa Rabbuk-Allah, Hilalu rushdin wa khairan […]
What is the methodology in confirming the sighting of the Ramadan moon according to Imam Hanbali?
Sighting by one righteous man and it does not suffice if righteousness is not evident; a woman’s testimony is also accepted.
What is the methodology in confirming the sighting of the Ramadan moon according to Imam Hanafi?
Imam Hanafi requires the following:1. Sighting by the vast majority in the case of clear skies2. Sighting by one righteous man suffices in the case of cloudiness or dust; a […]