Can we give all our Udhiyah/Qurbani to poor people and not eat from it?
Eid al Adha Udhiya/Qurbani meat distribution can be divided into three equal portions. One-third for the Qurbani performer, one-third for your family and friends, and one-third for the poor. These […]
Is mercy killing (Euthanasia) of animals permissible in Islam?
There is a difference of opinion between classical jurists on the matter of whether the animal can be killed.Some Schools do not allow its killing, for it is a living […]
Islamically, when does a woman’s menstruation period end?
Many jurists stated that the shortest length of a woman’s period is a day and a night, and the longest is fifteen days. The majority of scholars quoted as evidence […]
If I feel I let out gas during the prayer, should I stop praying and go out to renew my Wudu’?
If you have started praying and felt some type of wind or gas come out from you, then continue with the salah and cut it off. As long as it […]
What is the fate of the parents of the Messenger, may peace and blessings be upon him?
There are three opinions of scholars regarding the fate of the parents of the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, and they are summarized as follows: The first opinion:Scholars […]
Does blood donation break your fast?
Blood donation should be avoided during the day of fasting because taking a large amount of blood from a fasting person to donate it to a person who needs it, […]
Does having a blood test taken have any effect on the fast?
The basic principle is that the fast remains valid and cannot be spoiled except by things for which there is Islamic religious evidence that they affect the fast.In this case, […]
Is reducing the mahr in Islam from the tradition of our beloved Prophet PBUH?
Marriage is one of the blessings of Allah, and one of His signs. Allah says (what can be translated as):“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you […]
What is the Islamic ruling on naming our children with the names of angels?
Most scholars have ruled that using the names of the angels like Gibreel and Mikaa’eel is not makrooh (disagreeable or reprehensible). Imam Maalik, on the other hand, has ruled that […]
Can a person pray a voluntary prayer while the obligatory one is in session?
It is disliked to pray any voluntary prayer while an obligatory prayer is already in session. – -* On the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet pbuh said, “If […]
When are the times in which the prayers are prohibited to be performed?
It is forbidden to pray:1. Between the end of the time interval of the morning prayer and sunrise,2. From sunrise until the sun has completely risen to the length of […]
When must the prayer be performed when sleeping through or forgetting the Prayer?
Whoever sleeps through or has forgotten to pray a certain prayer should pray it when hewakes up or remembers the prayer.▪ On the authority of Abu Qataadah , sleeping through […]