What if she has to attend very important events pertaining to her family members?
There is nothing wrong with attending important events as long as she avoids wearing adornment and perfume because her going out, in that case, is going out for a need. […]
What is a woman’s ‘iddah period following her husband’s death?
The woman whose husband has died must observe mourning for her husband for four months (lunar) and ten days, and until giving birth if she is pregnant. Allah, may He […]
Is it permissible to wear a shirt with a picture/logo on it?
It was reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “The image is the head, and if the head is cut off, there is no image.” It was included by Al-Bayhaqi in […]
If a person suffers from poor memory and a lot of forgetfulness and gets confused in their prayers, Is their prayer valid?
If a person cannot perform the prayer in its complete form, then they should do what they can, and what they are unable to do will be waived for them. […]
Is it permissible to purchase a house if the seller and the lender are the same entity?
Below, please take a look at the answer extracted from the study presented by Dr. Main Alqudah at the AMJA 16th Annual Imams’ Conference. https://www.amjaonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Contemporary-Issues-Related-To-Buying-RealEstate-Alqudah.pdf Second: Financing with Construction Companies […]
What is the Islamic ruling on options contracts on shares/stocks?
The object of the option contract is merely the right to buy or sell for a certain price. So what is being sold is the option itself, and this contract […]
Can we give all our Udhiyah/Qurbani to poor people and not eat from it?
Eid al Adha Udhiya/Qurbani meat distribution can be divided into three equal portions. One-third for the Qurbani performer, one-third for your family and friends, and one-third for the poor. These […]
Is mercy killing (Euthanasia) of animals permissible in Islam?
There is a difference of opinion between classical jurists on the matter of whether the animal can be killed.Some Schools do not allow its killing, for it is a living […]
Islamically, when does a woman’s menstruation period end?
Many jurists stated that the shortest length of a woman’s period is a day and a night, and the longest is fifteen days. The majority of scholars quoted as evidence […]
If I feel I let out gas during the prayer, should I stop praying and go out to renew my Wudu’?
If you have started praying and felt some type of wind or gas come out from you, then continue with the salah and cut it off. As long as it […]
What is the fate of the parents of the Messenger, may peace and blessings be upon him?
There are three opinions of scholars regarding the fate of the parents of the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, and they are summarized as follows: The first opinion:Scholars […]
Does blood donation break your fast?
Blood donation should be avoided during the day of fasting because taking a large amount of blood from a fasting person to donate it to a person who needs it, […]