Is circumcision for males obligatory?
It is obligatory according to two schools of thought, and recommended according to the other two.
What did our Prophet pbuh say about the characteristics of al-Fitrah?
Our Prophet pbuh said, “Five practices are characteristics of the Fitrah: circumcision, shaving pubic region, plucking underarm hair, clipping the nails, and trimming the mustache, and using Siwak
How do we purify things?
Purification from impurities is performed by using water. Purification after answering the call of nature from urine and excrement:Performed by wiping with paper, stones, or any similar pure material.It’s also […]
What is the definition of tahara (purification) in Islam?
Tahara refers to the removal of physical impurities and the lifting of spiritual impurities.
How to pay Zakat on asset investments?
There are different rates of Zakat that apply to different types of assets. According to Imam Malik, Zakat is due on three types of assets only: “the produce of plowed […]
Can you recommend an easy book on how to calculate Zakat?
Please consider reading this simple guide Zakat book as it gives you a wider spectrum on all the questions you had inquired about.
What is the Islamic ruling on masturbation?
The ruling on masturbation is governed by some considerations that might change the ruling from one person to another. The late prominent scholar Sheikh Mustafa Az-Zarqa, may Allah bless his […]
Is it permissible for a man to grow his hair long and braid it? Does a woman/man have to undo their braids when performing ablution-wudu- or taking a full bath-ghusl?
It is permissible for men to grow their hair long and if need be to braid it as this act was done by Prophet the Prophet (peace and blessings of […]
I breastfed my friend’s daughter for several weeks and she is my foster suckling daughter. She is now 17 and my son is 18. I understand they could NEVER get married as they shared the same milk.
Is it permissible for my 22 year old son to marry her? Or is that Haram for them?
The breastfeeding which establishes the relationship of mahram is that which takes place five or more times in the first two years. If it was five full breast feedings within […]
Would I get a reward for intending to do a specific worship act, and unexpected sickness or travel prevented me from actually doing it?
You will get the reward if you always had the habit of practicing such worship acts, and the only reason you did not do it was travel or sickness. Narrated […]
What are the conditions for the acceptance of the Shahada statement?
What are the conditions for the acceptance of the Shahada statement and what is the minimum knowledge of the Shahada statement a person needs to know when ready to utter […]
How should parents deal with a son/daughter who was a Muslim and then he/she became an atheist?
The fact that your child has drifted away from obedience to Allah, may He be exalted, and has chosen for him/herself the path of deviation, misguidance and atheism, should not […]