What constitutes a Khulu’?
Khulu’ is when the wife requests the divorce from her husband, and with the husband’s subsequent agreement to end the marriage.We follow the scholarly opinion that the civil papers suffice […]
Does this divorce count if a husband divorces his wife during her menses?
The scholars differed as to whether the divorce of a menstruating woman counts as such or not. The majority believe that Talaq counts as such. Still, there is a minority […]
Is it permissible for my daughter to forsake her dad’s presence and consent to her Nikkah since he is an abusive dad?
Islamically, the dad has to be informed and has to be the one to agree to marry his daughter to this suitable young man. If and only if the dad […]
Is it permissible to marry a person who committed zina and other sinful acts in the past but sincerely regretted the acts and repented?
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):“And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allaah, nor kill such person as Allaah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor […]
Is marriage with the agreement of the woman and her wali along with witnesses being present, but without announcing the marriage publicly, or registering it in the Islamic or civil courts, considered to be a valid Islamic marriage?
It is a valid marriage from the point of view of having met the necessary conditions, but it goes against the Islamic command to publicize the marriage. Not having the […]
Is temporary marriage permissible in Islam?
Allah has made marriage one of His signs. He has created love and compassion between the spouses and has made the wife a source of tranquility for the husband. He […]
If we have a close family or friend who is entering an impermissible marriage (such as Muslim man marrying a polytheist, a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim man, or same sex marriage), and they know it is impermissible in Islam, should we avoid attending their wedding? If there is a worry that not attending would lead them even farther from Islam. Would the fact that one of the maqaasid assharia is preserving faith in Islam be a valid rationale to attend the wedding with the intention of showing love to attract them both to Islam?
Thank you for your trust in asking this question. We can offer some Islamic framing points by which you may consider your decision, absent a specific familiarity with the particular […]
What are the steps that a virgin or previously married woman can take if a Wali (guardian) is abusing his authority and refuses to marry his daughter to a suitor?
If her Wali prevents her from marrying a suitor for no valid reason according to Islamic law, then the role of the Wali passes to the next closest relative, so […]
Can a previously married woman marry herself to a suitor without her Wali’s (guardian) permission?
According to the view of the majority of scholars, it is not permissible for a woman ( virgin or previously married) to marry without the permission of her guardian.It was […]
Is paying out Zakat an obligation for the elderly with severe dementia?
As for the perspective of Islamic law regarding mental disorders, they are regarded to be similar to insanity where one’s mental faculties are (almost) fully compromised.If a person has severe […]
If a person pays the zakah amount more than the amount that is required, can this person apply the extra paid amount for the upcoming year’s Zakat due?
If a person pays zakah more than the amount that is required, the extra amount is regarded as charity (sadaqah) for which they will be rewarded, whether this additional amount […]
What is the Islamic ruling on any missed years of not paying Zakat? How do I rectify this?
The majority of scholars hold that missed Zakat is like a debt that should be repaid, and the most deserving one to be given His due is that which is […]