What constitutes a Khulu’?

Khulu’ is when the wife requests the divorce from her husband, and with the husband’s subsequent agreement to end the marriage.We follow the scholarly opinion that the civil papers suffice […]

If we have a close family or friend who is entering an impermissible marriage (such as Muslim man marrying a polytheist, a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim man, or same sex marriage), and they know it is impermissible in Islam, should we avoid attending their wedding? If there is a worry that not attending would lead them even farther from Islam. Would the fact that one of the maqaasid assharia is preserving faith in Islam be a valid rationale to attend the wedding with the intention of showing love to attract them both to Islam?

Thank you for your trust in asking this question. We can offer some Islamic framing points by which you may consider your decision, absent a specific familiarity with the particular […]

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