What does a menstruating woman do after she enters the state of Ihram and arrives to Makkah?
If she is performing Umrah, then she must not perform Tawaf around the House until she becomes pure and completes her Umrah. If she is performing Hajj, then she should […]
During Hajj and Umrah, a woman who starts menstruating is afflicted with severe sadness and despair- what should we tell her?
If a woman starts menstruating, she should not be disheartened or feel despair. She must know that if Allah SWT tests her with something, He wishes to elevate her as […]
What does a woman do if she intended Hajj or Umrah and then started her menstrual cycle prior to reaching the Meeqat?
She should enter the state of Ihram before the Meeqat even if she is menstruating and her Ihram will then commence. This is supported by the saying of the Prophet […]
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to do Dhikr (remembrance of Allah SWT)?
Yes, it is permissible for her to do Dhikr, make Dua’, say the Talbiya, and to seek closeness to Allah SWT in every way except through prayer or Tawaf during […]
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to enter the state of Ihram before the Meeqat without praying the two Rak’at of Ihram?
Entering the state of Ihram does not require a special two-Rak’at prayer. The two Rak’at of Ihram are an act of Sunnah according to the majority of scholars. On the […]
Can a Muslim woman change her family name to her husband’s surname?
Islamic teachings strongly encourage women to retain their original family name after marriage to preserve their lineage and identity. Changing one’s name to the husband’s surname is generally discouraged in […]
Can a Muslim woman touch the Quran and read it during her period?
The issue of whether a woman can read the Qur’an during her menses is another topic of varying opinion among Islamic scholars. Hanafi and Hanbali Schools: The majority of scholars, particularly […]
Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to enter the Masjid?
The topic of menstruating women entering the masjid has been discussed extensively by Islamic scholars, and opinions vary across different schools of thought. Here’s a summary of the key views: […]
Is it permissible to pray Jummah before the time of Dhuhur starts?
According to the Hanbli school, praying Jummah before the zawal time is permissible, and the following evidence supports this. Imam Muslim narrated it from Salamah ibn al-Akwa‘ رضي الله عنهم […]
Is it permissible for a Muslim doctor in the West to buy indemnity insurance?
The following is the European Council Fatwa on this matter: “There are situations and environments that require solutions to address special conditions and meet their requirements, as is especially the […]
Are Muslim women allowed to live on their own, especially if they are financially independent? Or must they live with their parents?
Generally, being alone was something that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) discouraged for both genders. However, if there is a reasonable need, it would be permitted […]
Is working at a bank Islamically permissible?
Narrated Jabir (RA):Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) cursed the one who accepts usury, the one who gives it, the one who records it and the two witnesses to it, saying, “They are […]