Ending the Silence

With the situation we are living in, the rate of anxiety, depression and self-harming behavior is on the rise among our children and youth. IAR Health & Wellness and Hope Sisters are partnering to sponsor a talk by NAMI Wake County on how to identify the warning signs of mental health conditions.

Join us on Sat 2/6 at 12:00pm (for Parents) and Sun 2/7 at 12:00pm (for youth) at raleighmasjid.org/live!

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IAR Health & Wellness Team is looking for Interns

Are you looking for an opportunity to work with Muslim health professionals? You can help support the IAR Health & Wellness Team that is dedicated to providing mental health services to the Triangle Muslim community. We are looking for individuals with skills in Creative Content, Social Media, Operations/Business Development, Advocacy and more.
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High School Unity Night

The IAR Youth Committee invites high school youth to Unity Night hosted by local high school MSAs. Join us on Friday, January, 22 at 4:30pm for the first ever virtual inter-MSA social! The program will include engaging group activities, an interactive game of Among Us, and a short talk about unity. We hope to bring the High School community closer during these distant times.

Join at bit.ly/MSAUnite.


EDI Committee looking for Chair and Volunteers

Do you want to make an impactful difference for our IAR Community?

Do you feel that the IAR Community can be more innovative in the inclusion of our community of over 75 ethnicities? If so, we have a GREAT opportunity for you to lead a committee unprecedented in any U.S. Masjid.

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Open Volunteer Position – SABR Committee Chair

We are looking for a volunteer who is willing to serve as the chair of the newly forming SABR Committee (subject to Shura approval). The Sisters and Brothers Rising (SABR) Committee is the new proposed name of the IAR Advocates work that has led our civic engagement efforts including through ONE Wake.

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Open Volunteer Position – Finance Committee Chair

We are looking for a volunteer who is willing to serve as the chair of the IAR Finance Committee. The responsibilities include leading the committee, preparing annual budget, annual general body financial reporting, and overseeing the cash collection process. Previous experience and skill set in these areas is preferred.

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Important: Message for community members

Assalamu Alaikom Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Beloved Brothers & Sisters,

If there was ever a time for our community to remain vigilant it is now. As the cases of COVID-19 continue to spiral upwards in North Carolina, 90% of counties are in the red or orange zones for viral spread including Wake County.

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ANQA 2021 Online Qur’an Programs

An-Noor Quran Academy presents an opportunity to strengthen your family’s relationship with the Qur’an via its 2021 Online Qur’an courses, taught and supervised by Sh. Hoosain Dalvi. Courses include Quran Reading, Hifdh Review, Part-Time Hifdh, Hifdh Ijaazah, and more!

Registration is now open for the Spring semester. Click here to register.

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Blood Drive Friday 12/18

COVID-19 has severely impacted our communities. Lives have been lost, jobs have been lost, and our normal day to day routines have been altered. The road to recovery won’t be easy, but together we can ease the process. Every ounce of help that can be offered will help fix the problem. Even if it doesn’t help you directly you could be positively impacting someone’s life. Every person that donates blood can save up to 3 lives. Here is your chance to lend a helping hand. May Allāh safeguard all of us during these times. Aameen
To register for a spot, scan the QR Code on the flier below, or use this link.image_6487327.JPG

CEO Hiring Update

We have hired a new CEO and the hiring process has been completed. The new CEO will start effective Jan. 15, 2021. Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your patience and support.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
