Al Iman School 8th Grade Car Wash

Come support our 8th graders fundraise for their graduation! Get your car washed and snacks will be sold! Make it a family event and enjoy the IAR playground. Join us this Saturday, March 20th at 10am-2pm.


Hajj 2021/1442 – Pre-Registration

Your Hajj Team is working diligently to secure our IAR package for Hajj 2021/1442.
The Hajj 2021 Packages (and prices) has not been released due to changing circumstances. However, we have placed our Hajj 2020 program and price on the IAR Hajj Website as a reference for you. We are planning on securing a very similar program for Hajj 2021.

Read more & Pre-registration

Wise Advice of Luqman

Join us this Saturday, March 13th from 9:00pm to 10:30pm for a virtual talk by our beloved Imam Muamar on the Wise Advice of Sayyiduna Luqman. You can join the live stream at Wise Advice of Luqman.png

Qur’an Night: Levels of Tilawah

The IAR invites its community to attend “Levels of Tilawah: A Full Recitation of Surah Al-Baqarah”. Join this Friday at 9 PM to hear some of the most renowned Qur’an reciters in the US recite the words of Allah. Event will be live streamed on IAR’s FaceBook. Levels of Tilawah Edition II.png

Course on Racism, Religion, & Reconciliation

A four-week course addressing the hidden causes of racism and it’s psychological effects on our community life. It brings to light the Islamic perspective on dismantling racism through examples from the Quran, Sunnah, and history highlighting the value + importance of our humanity. The course is taught by Imam Abdul Hafeez Waheed and Imam Ronald Shaheed.

IAR is blessed with a rare opportunity to learn from two esteemed instructors who studied alongside the renowned leader and thinker Imam W. Deen Mohammed.

This course has also been taught at Duke and NC State.

Register here.


Happening TODAY

At the Islamic Association of Raleigh, in the Gym

Address: 808 Atwater St, Raleigh, NC 27607

***Volunteers are expected to wear a mask at ALL times***

We will be accepting clothing donations, sorting, and packing into boxes. These boxes will be loaded into a 40 foot container that is being shipped to Pakistan.

Volunteer Sign-up Form

Ramadan 1442AH / 2021CE

This year, the first day of fasting will be observed on Tuesday, April 13 insha’Allah and Eid-ul-Fitr will occur on Thursday, May 13. Details on Ramadan programming and any impacts from COVID-19 restrictions are forthcoming.

As per the IAR Imam’s Office, future dates can be found at the Fiqh Council’s website. We are grateful to observe Ramadan and Eid alongside many area masajid according to the Declaration of the Triangle Imams Council.

High School “Fact or Fiqhtion” Night

The IAR Youth Committee invites high school youth to “Fact or Fiqhtion” organized by High School MSAs around the Triangle. Join us this Friday, 2/26, at 4:30pm to learn about the realities of navigating social media in today’s world, participate in group activities, and learn about the Fiqh of using social media. Register at
Fact or Fiqhtion.png

Helping Hand Clothing Drive for Pakistan

Helping Hand is having a clothing drive for Pakistan. They will have a truck parked in front of Gate #2 this weekend (Feb 26-28). Due to Covid health and safety, please only drop donations in the truck, and not in the Masjid. Only items listed on the flyer will be accepted. Please sort based off men, women, and children.

COVID Vaccine at IAR

Your masjid is delighted to partner with Wake County DHHS on a free COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic! Next Sunday, February 21st this partnership will offer a limited number of doses of the Moderna vaccine to protect against the vicious Coronavirus for those 65 years old and older.

Read more.
IAR Vaccine-2.png

Open Volunteer Position – IT Committee Chair

We are looking for a volunteer who is willing to serve as the chair of the IAR IT Committee. The responsibilities include leading the committee and building a diversified team that serves IAR IT needs from cloud management to website maintenance and new tools development and integration. Previous experience and skill set in these areas is preferred. This is a huge opportunity to serve Allah (SWT) by serving your own community, and develop relationships with the strong and dedicated team of staff/volunteers and the leadership of your own masjid.

Please send your resume and related info to [email protected]

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
