Duke Study on Muslim Patient Experiences

Dr. Amanda Kolmar, a pediatric doctor at Duke, is conducting a study to learn about Muslim parent experiences with pediatric palliative care and end of life care. If you are a Muslim and have a child who faced a life-limiting illness, she would very much like to hear about your experiences.

The study consists of a maximum one hour long interview and your responses will be anonymous. Participants will be compensated for their time with a Kindle Fire tablet. If you are interested in participating, please contact her directly at [email protected].

Preparing Your Estate Plan Seminar

It’s a topic people tend to put off or ignore, but one of the most important things you can do is to develop a sound estate plan. Doing so lets you take a giant step toward a more secure future for yourself and generations to come. 

RSVP by 12/14/2018 | Details

Apply to be the IAR Treasurer

The IAR is seeking a volunteer to serve as Treasurer. The treasurer will be a member of the administration team.  The role of the treasurer is to review the financial transactions on a monthly basis and generate a monthly cash flow statement. The statement indicates the account payable/receivable and the account balance for all standing committees. The treasurer is responsible for matters related to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other tax agents.

The following are requirements for this position:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or related field. 
  • Have strong knowledge of accounting, which includes an understanding of fund accounting and reconciling accounts. 
  • Experience with ACS financial system is a plus.

Time Commitment: about 8– 16 hours per month.

If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to [email protected]

Learn about Medicare

The IAR Seniors Empowerment Group’s ‘Chat and Chew’ will be held at the IAR on Saturday November 24 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Please join for a presentation on Medicare 2019 Rules & Updates.
RSVP to [email protected].

Quran Night Program

The Friday Night Program for November 30 after Isha prayers is Quran Night.

A special presentation by young Quran students, titled “Introduction of Some Surahs of the Quran”. Recitation will be led by Sr Maryam Zahid. Presentations by Khizer Ahmed, Mairah Khan, and Abdushakure Ali. Our host will be Sufyan Abdul Latif. Dua by Sr Duha Iqbal.

IAR Statement regarding Pittsburgh Shooting

With heavy hearts and profound sadness, The Islamic Association of Raleigh mourns alongside our Jewish brothers and sisters for those killed and wounded during Saturday’s senseless domestic terror attack in Pittsburgh.

We also send sincere prayers of thanks to the first responders who ran into the line of fire to help the victims and pray for their speedy recovery. The IAR and the greater Muslim community stands in solidarity with people of all faiths and conscience to condemn the hateful rhetoric that has led to this senseless tragedy.

We stand ready to assist our Jewish brothers and sisters in any way we can. May God continue to bless all faith communities and keep us safe.

Hiring Youth Director

The Islamic Association of Raleigh is seeking a full time Youth Director to manage and expand the existing youth programs at the IAR.

To see current programs as well as the goals of the IAR Youth Committee, please visit IARyouth.org

Job Description

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
