Official Statement on Triangle-Area Sermon

A news item has been circulating online regarding a Dec. 8, 2017 sermon by Mr. Abdullah Khadra at a Triangle-area mosque with some unfortunate language. This sermon was not held at or associated with the Islamic Association of Raleigh (IAR), and Mr. Khadra is not an employee of IAR. Any media outlets or individuals who have improperly and inaccurately attributed Mr. Khadra’s sermon to IAR should immediately retract and correct this erroneous information.

To our knowledge, Mr. Khadra has no history of hateful or violence-inciting remarks. He has expressed regret for his remarks and published excerpts of his past teaching rooted in coexistence and understanding. All opinions represented in his sermons are his own.

Over the past several years, IAR along with local organizations and religious leaders of various faiths have worked diligently to build positive relationships and a strong interfaith alliance in North Carolina. We are committed to working with our community to continue meaningful dialogue and strengthen mutual respect and understanding. The Islamic Association of Raleigh does not permit or condone any provocations of violence against any person, minority, or religious group. The IAR condemns all forms of hatred, bigotry, and injustice and works to build empathy, tolerance, and coexistence among all people. To read our full statement on terror and violence, please visit

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
