Outreach Resources

Below are various resources provided by the IAR Da’wah (Outreach) Committee for those interested in giving Da’wah about Islam or participating in outreach events with different organizations and communities.

The IAR Da’wah (Outreach) Committee is looking for committed volunteers to help coordinate and provide our services. You can choose the extent of your involvement, from making presentations or coordinating one of our programs to making copies or sticking labels. No activity is too small. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The most beloved deed to God is that which is the most regular and constant, even though it were little.”

Links to Islamic Resources

A list of various Islamic resources including basic information about Islam, a guide on how to pray and advice from other converts to Islam. These are excellent resources for individuals who are new to Islam or are interested in learning more about Islam

For New Muslims

The Islamic Association of Raleigh welcomes new Muslims to the community and has classes and support groups designed to help new Muslims learn more about Islam and the Muslim community.

Basic Classes About Islam

The IAR offers a weekly class that focuses on fundamental beliefs, Quranic Arabic, as well as the meaning of the Quran. This class is an excellent resource for new Muslims who are interested in learning more about Islam

New Muslim Support Group

The New Muslim Support Group assists recent converts by providing them with the basic tools you need to pray, read Qur’an, and obtain resources on Islam. The support group can also provide a mentor or point of contact to help you on your new journey with Islam

Links to Islamic Resources

A list of various Islamic resources including basic information about Islam, a guide on how to pray and advice from other converts to Islam.

Glossary of Islamic Terms

The Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic and many of the terms commonly used in Islam and by Muslims are in Arabic as well. To help those who do not know Arabic, here is a list of common Islamic terms and their meanings.

For Non-Muslims

The Islamic Association of Raleigh encourages you to learn more about Islam. If you have any questions please feel free to call us at (919) 834-9572 ext. 333 or email us at [email protected]. The Outreach Committee can also schedule a presentation or visit to help you learn more.

Introductory classes about Islam

The Outreach Committee of the IAR offers a weekly “Introduction to Islam” class geared towards understanding the basic tenants and beliefs of Islam as well as answering any questions or issues brought up by the participants.

Glossary of Islamic Terms

The Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic and many of the terms commonly used in Islam and by Muslims are in Arabic as well. To help those who do not know Arabic, here is a list of common Islamic terms and their meanings.

We are delighted to highlight the amazing work of our community in this impact report. 
