What if 40 days of nafas passes? Is that blood considered hayth or istihatha?
As long as there is a trace of blood, it’s still considered nafas blood. Even if it extends to 60 days. However, if it extends abnormally longer than that, then […]
What if she clears nafas blood before 40 days?
She can resume regular status and is allowed to pray.
What is the duration of nafas blood?
The most common length is 40 days.
What is the description of demm al nafas (nafas)?
It is the blood that usually comes right before delivery (few days to a few hours before), during delivery, and after. Once there is a trace of blood, then the […]
A woman is currently clear and feels the sign of an upcoming period. Asr time comes in at 4pm and she is making wudu at 4:05pm. During wudu she feels wetness and notices the discharge. Does she need to make up the prayer?
She doesn’t need to make up the prayer because of the short timespan between the time of athan and the time the period began. It’s not enough time to make […]
What if a woman is currently clear but she feels a sign of an upcoming period?
Menses rulings are not based on signs but are only based on discharge. If for example, it is duhr time, she should go ahead and pray duhr. Asr time comes […]
What if a woman wants to take repeated ghusl throughout her istihatha period?
She can, but it is not required.
How does a woman with istihatha pray?
She does ghusl once she has determined that she is now discharging istihatha. After that, she should change the dirty pads and do a new wudu for each prayer. Her […]
What is the definition of clearance of menses?
A woman is the best judge of her body. Usually, a clear discharge will appear after her bloody discharge is complete. If a clear discharge is not seen, then the […]
What is the ruling in the case of young females who are starting their cycles? In the beginning, it may take a few months or years to establish a regular cycle.
At this stage, any discharge would be considered her hayth blood.
What is the ruling for a pregnant woman who still experiences bleeding?
Once a woman becomes pregnant, the rulings of monthly cycles stop, even if she is still discharging blood. She can still pray, fast, etc. This would just be considered as […]
The scenario that can occur with menstruating women: What is the ruling for a woman who typically has a cycle of 7 to 10 days, but due to external factors, her cycle changes? For example, it stops after 2 days and then comes back 2 days later?
Since her regular cycle is up to 10 days, she cannot resume regular activities until she completes her regular block of time.