Does having a blood test taken have any effect on the fast?
The basic principle is that the fast remains valid and cannot be spoiled except by things for which there is Islamic religious evidence that they affect the fast.In this case, […]
Is reducing the mahr in Islam from the tradition of our beloved Prophet PBUH?
Marriage is one of the blessings of Allah, and one of His signs. Allah says (what can be translated as):“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you […]
What is the Islamic ruling on naming our children with the names of angels?
Most scholars have ruled that using the names of the angels like Gibreel and Mikaa’eel is not makrooh (disagreeable or reprehensible). Imam Maalik, on the other hand, has ruled that […]
Can a person pray a voluntary prayer while the obligatory one is in session?
It is disliked to pray any voluntary prayer while an obligatory prayer is already in session. – -* On the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet pbuh said, “If […]
When are the times in which the prayers are prohibited to be performed?
It is forbidden to pray:1. Between the end of the time interval of the morning prayer and sunrise,2. From sunrise until the sun has completely risen to the length of […]
When must the prayer be performed when sleeping through or forgetting the Prayer?
Whoever sleeps through or has forgotten to pray a certain prayer should pray it when hewakes up or remembers the prayer.▪ On the authority of Abu Qataadah , sleeping through […]
When is the cut-off time for each Salah to be performed?
The Prophet pbuh said “Whoever of you has completed one prostration of the afternoonprayer before the sun has set should complete his prayer. If one of you completes oneprostration of […]
What are the times of the Prayers?
What may be translated as, “Prayer at fixed hours has been enjoined upon the believers.”(An-Nisaa’, 04:103) Allaah made the time for the five daily prayers clear through Jibreel:▪ On the […]
A pregnant woman with bleeding doesn’t fall under the rulings of hayth blood. So she doesn’t need to do ghusl after she clears. But what if she doesn’t feel comfortable not doing ghusl?
Ghusul (the ritual bath with the intention of purification from major ritual impurity) is a worship act. One cannot do a worship act in a way or time when we […]
Scenarios for resuming prayer after menses (according to the opinion that all previous daytime or nighttime prayers of the last day need to be done):
– A woman clears at 3am and fajr prayer is 5am. So she clears during nighttime. Which prayers does she need to do?She goes back to the beginning of the […]
Once a woman clears from her menses, which prayers is she responsible for on the day of her clearing? Is this opinion agreed upon by scholars?
A woman is responsible for those prayers (the previous daytime prayers if she clears during the daytime and the previous nighttime prayers if she clears during the nighttime), even if […]
Is there a kaffara for having intercourse during menses?
Some scholars say yes, one has to pay a dinar (or the equivalent of it), in kaffara. So this is more of a symbolic kaffara.