Is it permissible to say the Talbiya with supplications that the Prophet (ﷺ) did not say?
There is no harm in that, because the Prophet (ﷺ) heard those who weresaying the Talbiya differently than him and did not object. Nafi’ said: Ibn Omar was increasing his […]
What are the meaning of the words that are in the Talbiya?
“La Shareek Lak” (“You have no partners”) – means that there is no deity worthy of worship but You, and there is no one who partners with You except You. […]
What is the meaning of our saying: “Laybbaka Allahuma Labbayk” (”Here I am, O Allah, here I am”)?
It is an answer after an answer to Allah’s order- the Lord of the worlds. The firstanswer is a response to Prophet Ibrahim’s call (may Allah be pleased with him), […]
What is the format of the Talbiya?
In a hadith narrated by Jabir that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) vocalized thecommencement of Umrah with Talbiya emphasizing the Oneness of Allah (Tawheed): “Labbayka Allahuma Labbayk, Labbayka La Shareeka […]
What is the merit of Talbiya?
It was narrated from Sahl bin Sa’d As-Sa’idi that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)said: “There is no (pilgrim) who recites the Talbiyah but that which is to his right and […]
What is the ruling on Talbiyah?
Talbiya is an act of confirmed sunnah, and some scholars said that it ismandatory to vocalize it at least one time.
How does one vocally commence the Umrah rituals?
In order to commence the Umrah, one has to say: Labbayka Allahuma Bi Umrah.
What marks the commencement of Umrah?
The commencement of Umrah marks the entrance into its rituals. It is sufficient tosay: “Labbayka Allahuma Bi Umrah” and the Talbiya; and those actions transform theintention into action.
Is it permissible for a woman to wear gold during Umrah?
Yes it is permissible, but it is obligatory that she refrains from being showy (withher own beauty or decorative objects) or attracting attention.
Should a woman buy new Ihram clothes for Umrah?
No, she does not have to buy new Ihram clothes for Umrah.
Is there any evidence for a particular color to be worn by women for Umrah rituals?
No, there is no evidence for a particular color in a woman’s Ihram attire.
What is the Ihram attire for women?
She enters Ihram with her normal, concealing, and non colorful clothing, withoutwearing a niqab or gloves.