Is it halal to use red wine vinegar for consumption?
The vinegar combines red wine with vinegar, which has almost no alcohol content. Red wine vinegar is considered halal due to its lack of trace alcohol left in it. During […]
What are other notes concerning wudu’?
What are the actions for which wudu’ is preferred?
What are actions that require wudu’ that are disagreed upon by Muslim jurists?
Circumambulating the Ka’bah (Tawaf)Teaching or carrying a copy of the Qur’an:– Requires ablution – four main Muslim jurists– Does not require ablution for one in a state of minor ritual […]
What are actions that require wudu’ that are agreed upon by Muslim jurists?
What are nullifying acts of wudu’ that are disagreed upon by Muslim jurists?
Directly touching private parts without any barrierNullifies with or without lust – majority (Maliki, Shafa’i, Hanbali, from the companions: Umar ibn al-Khattab, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abbas, Abu Hurairah, […]
What are nullifying acts of wudu’ that are agreed upon by Muslim jurists?
What are the recommended sunnah acts of wudu’ (ablution)?
Supplication after ablution: “I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone, Who has no partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave […]
What are the obligatory acts of wudu’ that are disagreed upon by the Muslim jurists?
Intention:Obligatory – majorityRecommended – HanafiAl Tasmiya in the beginning التسمية:Obligatory – Dhaahiri, Ishaaq, opinion from Hanbali, Ash-Showkanni, Al-AlbaniRecommended – majorityRinsing out mouth and nostrils:Obligatory – Hanbali, Ash-ShowkanniRecommended – majorityRunning one’s […]
Is it better to wipe over the socks or to wash the feet while being at home?
The majority of scholars, including Abu Haneefah, Maalik, and al-Shaafa’i, are of the view that it is better to wash the feet. They said: that is because the basic principle […]
Is it permissible to wipe over the socks when making Wudu’?
While there is difference of opinion, a majority of scholars say yes one can wipe over the socks as long as the socks were worn initially after a fresh full […]
Should wiping over hijab only be done out of necessity and removed for wudu if one is able to?
Yes, wiping the hijab is not similar to wiping socks which is agreed upon among the scholars. Wiping over hijab is something derived as an analogy being compared to Turban […]