What are Islamic procedures & protocols for receiving a newborn baby?
Childbirth is one of the amazing blessings which Allah, the Almighty, has given to us. Aftergiving birth to a child, it is recommended to welcome the newborn by following the […]
Is it Islamically permissible to practice boxing?
It involves attacking the face, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If any one of you has a fight with his brother, let him […]
Is it permissible to receive a financial gift for teaching the Qur’an? If one does receive such a gift, must one give it away to charity?
Some scholars who take a strict position on this matter view it impermissible to take any compensation for teaching Quran. When asked how would teachers dedicate their time to teaching […]
Is it permissible in Islam to buy and sell the book of Qur’an?
It is Islamically permissible to buy and sell Qur’an books. The Muslims have continued to buy and sell Qura’n books without anyone objecting. The Qur’an could not become widely spread […]
Is Taharah (purity) a condition before one starts reciting the Quran?
Is reading Qur’an from a phone app permissible while not being in a state of purity?
There is nothing wrong with reciting the Qur’an while being in a state of minor impurity (without wudu.)The following Hadith demonstrates that it is not necessary to do wudu if […]
Is It permissible to read Quran regularly on behalf of deceased Muslims?
With regard to reading Quran for the deceased people, there is a difference of opinion among the scholars as to whether the reward from that will reach the deceased. The […]
Ruling on a wife requesting a divorce from her husband without a legitimate reason?
Ruling on a wife staying with a husband who does not pray or fast?
Regarding the question, we would like to quote the European Council for Fatwa and Research which issued the following Fatwa: “Marriage is indeed a sacred bond that brings together a […]
What constitutes a Khulu’?
Khulu’ is when the wife requests the divorce from her husband, and with the husband’s subsequent agreement to end the marriage.We follow the scholarly opinion that the civil papers suffice […]
Does this divorce count if a husband divorces his wife during her menses?
The scholars differed as to whether the divorce of a menstruating woman counts as such or not. The majority believe that Talaq counts as such. Still, there is a minority […]
Is it permissible for my daughter to forsake her dad’s presence and consent to her Nikkah since he is an abusive dad?
Islamically, the dad has to be informed and has to be the one to agree to marry his daughter to this suitable young man. If and only if the dad […]
Is it permissible to marry a person who committed zina and other sinful acts in the past but sincerely regretted the acts and repented?
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):“And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allaah, nor kill such person as Allaah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor […]
Is marriage with the agreement of the woman and her wali along with witnesses being present, but without announcing the marriage publicly, or registering it in the Islamic or civil courts, considered to be a valid Islamic marriage?
It is a valid marriage from the point of view of having met the necessary conditions, but it goes against the Islamic command to publicize the marriage. Not having the […]