What is the Islamic ruling on owning or working in restaurants where wine or pork is served?
It is not permissible to work and earn a living by helping people to consume impermissible things, such as alcohol and pork, because this is a kind of cooperating in […]
Is it permissible to play board games where dice are involved?
Some scholars have considered any games in which dice are involved to be from games of chance that are not permitted. Those scholars based their opinion on the general saying […]
What is the Islamic ruling on masturbation?
The ruling on masturbation is governed by some considerations that might change the ruling from one person to another. The late prominent scholar Sheikh Mustafa Az-Zarqa, may Allah bless his […]
Is it permissible Islamically to shave my beard or trim it?
Shaving the beard is forbidden, this is the opinion of the majority of scholars and it is the preponderant opinion. The evidence of this opinion is what is reported in […]
Is my job income pure and halal despite the fact that I cheated in college to acquire my degree? However, my sole work now is heavily dependent on my experience and not my degree?
It must be stressed here that Islam does not give permission to the believers to do any act which is illegal or Haram, especially cheating. You are required to sincerely […]
I am a nurse and have to sometimes expose the ‘Awrah (including private parts) of the opposite sex. Is this Islamically permissible?
You are exempt from restrictions that apply toward others due to the sensitive role you carry in your service to people.You are being highly rewarded by Allah for taking on […]
Is smoking permissible in Islam?
Is selling cigarettes permissible in Islam?
It is not permissible to inflict harm upon oneself. Since smoking has many harmful effects on one’s health, it is not permissible to smoke.Allah swt says in the Quran what […]
Is it Islamically permissible to use braces on the teeth or to get an Invisalign, which is a clear dental brace for teeth that helps to align teeth and close the gap between the two front teeth?
The use of braces due to need, such as setting right a defect or straightening crooked and unaligned teeth, is permitted. However, using braces purely for extraordinary beautification purposes is […]
Is wearing gold permissible for men?
It is not permissible for men to wear gold, because of the hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood (4075), al-Nasaa’i (5144) and Ibn Maajah (3595) narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib […]
Is it permissible to wear a shirt with a picture/logo on it?
If the image or logo on the shirt is an image of a living soul and it lacks facial features and details, it should not be a problem as the […]
Is it permissible for a Muslim person to financially support and vote for a political candidate who publicly supports and endorses LGBT rights?
Below, please find a paper that was prepared and presented in the 13th Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America Annual Imam Conference, which discussed this topic you are inquiring about. […]
Are tattoos haram? Why?
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad ( may peace and blessings be upon him ) ruled tattoos to be impermissible.This is because it involves changing the creation of Allah, and because the […]